One of
my favorite themes to use in Speech is Penguins. They are cute and adorable making them one of
my favorite animals.
Penguin Book:
book I am using in this theme is Be Brave, Little Penguin. It is a really cute story about a little
penguin that is afraid to go swimming.
He feels alone, because all his friends are swimming and having
fun. Little Penguin’s mother helps him
get over his fear, so at the end he can play with all his friends. One of the things I like to do with this
story is talk about how his friends could have helped. I am also continuing to
target vocabulary skills with this book.
Vocabulary: penguin, igloo, ocean, scared,
brave, splash, dive, monsters, kiss, tall, short, fat, thin, biggest and
Verbs: Swimming
and diving
Pronoun: he, his, them, their, and her

Penguin Games:
A fun
interactive game I love to use is Pile Up Penguin. The goal of the game is to put your penguins
on the iceberg. If they fall off you
have to take all the penguins that fell.
The first person who has no penguins left wins.
game can easily be turned into a reinforcing game.
articulation or language cards for each student.
your student say each target as they put the penguins on their cards.
have each student take turns putting on a penguin.
penguins fall off have them put them back on their cards (saying the target
like to let the winner knock all the penguins off.
created a game companion that also goes with this game that I use in place of
the cards. I also use the mats as smash mats.
also created a spinner game if you are not able to get a Penguin game. This spinner is perfect for a Penguin theme
or Valentine’s Day. As you play the game you collect hearts. The person with the most hearts wins.
Interactive Activity:
last activity I use is a Feed the Penguin articulation and language fish.
student creates a penguin.
put the fish all around the room.
student looks for a fish with their target sound or skill on it.
practice the target and feed the fish to the penguin.
I hope
that you found some activities that you can use with your students. I have combined all of these activities into
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